
Essential Mathematics For Cambridge Secondary 1 Stag, De Pemberton, Sue & Kivlin, Patrick & Winters, Paul. Editorial Oxford University Press En Inglés

  • ISBN: 09781408519837.


Dive into the world of mathematics with the comprehensive guide "Essential Mathematics For Cambridge Secondary 1 Stag." Authored by the esteemed trio of Sue Pemberton, Patrick Kivlin, and Paul Winters, this educational masterpiece is a must-have for students and educators alike. Published by the prestigious Oxford University Press, this book is presented entirely in English, ensuring a wide reach among English-speaking learners. Its content is meticulously tailored to align with the Cambridge Secondary 1 curriculum, making it an indispensable resource for anyone looking to excel in mathematics. The book's ISBN 9781408519837 guarantees its authenticity and ease of reference. Whether you're a student seeking to deepen your understanding of mathematical concepts or a teacher looking for a reliable textbook, "Essential Mathematics For Cambridge Secondary 1 Stag" is the perfect addition to your academic library.

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