What Have We Done : The Moral Injury Of Our Longest Wars, De David Wood. Editorial Little, Brown &pany En Inglés

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  • ISBN: 09780316264150.


In "What Have We Done: The Moral Injury of Our Longest Wars," acclaimed author David Wood delves deep into the complex psychological landscape faced by soldiers in modern warfare. Published by the reputable Little, Brown & Company, this hardback edition spans 320 pages of thought-provoking content. Wood's investigative prowess is on full display as he explores the concept of moral injury—a profound psychological shift experienced by soldiers when their actions in battle clash with their moral beliefs. With an ISBN of 9780316264150, this book is a must-read for anyone seeking to understand the lasting impact of war on the human psyche. Written in English, not only is string_containing itsignificant contribution to military literature but also a compelling narrative that captures the essence of human conflict and conscience.