
Us Army Special Forces Team History And Insignia 1975 To Th, De Gary Perkowski. Editorial Schiffer Publishing Ltd En Inglés

  • ISBN: 09780764352553.


Dive into the captivating world of elite military units with "US Army Special Forces Team History and Insignia 1975 to the Present" by Gary Perkowski. This comprehensive hardback edition, published by Schiffer Publishing Ltd, offers an in-depth look at the evolution of the US Army Special Forces, also known as the Green Berets, over a significant period. With 392 pages of detailed information, this book is an essential resource for military enthusiasts, historians, and collectors alike. It features an extensive collection of insignia and provides a unique perspective on the history of these highly trained teams. The ISBN 9780764352553 ensures you can easily find this authoritative text. Written in English, it's a must-have for those interested in the development and achievements of US Special Forces from 1975 onwards.

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