Tron:legacy - Out Of The Dark Kel Ediciones, De Redbank,t.. Editorial Disney En Inglés

  • ISBN: 09781423131502.


Dive into the electrifying world of "Tron: Legacy" with the captivating book "Out Of The Dark" by T. Redbank, brought to you by the renowned Kel Ediciones. Published by Disney, this book promises to immerse readers in the digital realm that has fascinated fans for decades. Written in the universally accessible English language, it is a must-have for both avid followers of the "Tron" series and newcomers eager to explore its depths. The ISBN 9781423131502 ensures you are getting an authentic piece of the "Tron" universe. This not only is string_containing bookrves as a thrilling read but also as a collector's item for enthusiasts of the groundbreaking franchise. Join the adventure and unravel the mysteries that lie within the grid.