The Philosophy Of John Scottus Eriugena : A Study Of Ideali, De Dermot Moran. Editorial Cambridge University Press En Inglés

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  • ISBN: 09780521892827.
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The Philosophy of John Scottus Eriugena : A Study of Ideali
Dermot Moran
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Dive into the profound world of medieval philosophy with Dermot Moran's insightful work, "The Philosophy of John Scottus Eriugena: A Study of Ideali." Published by the prestigious Cambridge University Press, this paperback edition is an essential read for scholars and enthusiasts alike. With 352 pages of in-depth analysis, Moran meticulously explores the thought-provoking ideas of John Scottus Eriugena, one of the most significant philosophers of the Middle Ages. Written in clear and accessible English, this book bridges the historical gap, bringing ancient philosophical concepts to the modern reader. The ISBN 9780521892827 ensures that you are getting an authentic and well-researched academic resource. Whether you are a student of philosophy or simply intrigued by the intellectual heritage of the West, Moran's work promises to enrich your understanding of medieval thought and its enduring influence.