Liquid Cooling Of Electronic Devices By Single-phase Convec, De Frank P. Incropera. Editorial John Wiley & Sons Inc En Inglés

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  • ISBN: 09780471159865.


Dive into the comprehensive guide "Liquid Cooling of Electronic Devices by Single-Phase Convec" authored by the esteemed Frank P. Incropera. Published by the reputable John Wiley & Sons Inc, this hardback edition is an essential resource for professionals and students alike. Spanning 304 pages, the book delves into the intricacies of cooling electronic devices efficiently, ensuring optimal performance and longevity. Written in clear, accessible English, it serves as an authoritative text in the field of thermal management. With an ISBN of 9780471159865, this meticulously researched work stands as a testament to Incropera's expertise, making it a must-have for anyone involved in the design and maintenance of electronic systems.