Introduction To Modern European History 1890-1990,an, De Farmer,alan. Editorial Hodder Education. En Inglés

  • ISBN: 09780340753668.


Dive into the riveting journey through time with "An Introduction To Modern European History 1890-1990" by esteemed historian Alan Farmer. Published by the reputable Hodder Education, this scholarly work is your gateway to understanding the complex and transformative century that reshaped the European continent. Written in the universal academic language of English, this book is accessible to a wide range of readers, from students to history enthusiasts. With its comprehensive approach, Farmer's narrative skillfully navigates through the events that have defined modern Europe. The ISBN 9780340753668 ensures that you can easily find this invaluable resource. Whether you're delving into the subject for academic purposes or personal interest, Farmer's expertise will guide you through a century of innovation, conflict, and change.