Ecology Against Capitalism, De John Bellamy Foster. Editorial Monthly Review Press,u.s. En Inglés

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  • ISBN: 09781583670552.
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Título del libro
Ecology Against Capitalism
John Bellamy Foster
Editorial del libro
Monthly Review Press,U.S.

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In "Ecology Against Capitalism," author John Bellamy Foster presents a critical analysis of the relationship between capitalism and the environment. Published by Monthly Review Press, U.S., this thought-provoking work is bound in a durable hardback format, ensuring it can withstand the rigors of extensive handling and study. Spanning 160 pages, the book delves into the ecological challenges posed by capitalist systems and proposes alternative perspectives for a sustainable future. With an ISBN of 9781583670552, this book is easily identifiable for academic referencing. Written in clear English, it is accessible to a wide audience of readers interested in environmental issues, economic systems, and social justice. Foster's insightful critique makes "Ecology Against Capitalism" a must-read for anyone seeking to understand the complex interplay between economic practices and ecological well-being.